Customer Queue Management System
Ensure that a visit to your organization goes smoothly!
Service providers have to deal with many different visitor flows. From visitors for the Customer Service to suppliers and business relations. !JCC Customer Queue Management guides every visitor from A to Z, provides insights into the various visitor flows and registers everything in one centralized system.
Insight into the customer journey
JCC Customer Queue Management System maps the customer journey for every visitor; all steps in the process are transparent. You will be kept informed of the latest information trrough management reports.
Can be used from anywhere
You can call the visitor from anywhere and on any device. With notifications through JCC Assistant you will always receive the correct information and signals in a timely manner. Whether it concerns a visitor with an appointment or a service standard that is exceeded.

Integration with JCC Online Appointment Management
JCC Queue Management System can easily be integrated to our appointment system JCC online Appointment Management. This gives you even more control over the visitor flow and your employees can prepare even better for the visit.

Attendance kiosks
The attendance registration kiosk is an indispensable solution when guiding visitors to their appointment.
The reception is relieved and the visitor can indicate his/her arrival quick and easy. One of our kiosks also has a document scanner and facial recognition camera to prevent identity fraud.
Kiosk type 'Edge'

Kiosk type "Edge on lift"
This registration column can be adjusted to the desired height by the visitor. This makes the column extremely accessible for your visitors.
✓ The color, screen layout and screen layout are fully customizable to your corporate identity. ✓ Large 24″ touchscreen display. ✓ Modern look: clear glass from edge to edge. ✓ Includes receipt printer and QR code scanner. ✓ Can be placed anywhere in your reception hall.